Monstrous Menagerie II Has Gorgeous Art!
With Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes mere days away from launch, here’s a sneak peek at some of the wonderful art in the book!
Body Bags Bring The Body Horror to Monstrous Menagerie II!
Today let’s look at the body bag—a monster suited for a game with horror themes.
How Do Monstrous Menagerie II’s ‘Heroic Monsters’ Work?
Sometimes you acquire a kobold companion or wolf pet and you want it to stay with you forever and ever.
A List of Monsters in Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes
This is a list of monsters in Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes.
Let’s Look At Horde Monsters!
A horde monster is a new type of Level Up opponent that facilitates quick, exciting battles against large numbers of opponents.
Content Warnings in Monstrous Menagerie II
Game elements like body horror (body bag), mind control (heartless hag), or children in danger (greenwood child) help a Narrator avoid—or, indeed, select—certain types of monsters.
Level Up Gateway November Dev Update
All classes and cultures in, plus deaths and combat maneuvers.
Monstrous Menagerie II’s CR 26 Archlich
Monstrous Menagerie had the lich. Monstrous Menagerie II has the archlich.
New Stat Block Features in Monstrous Menagerie II
In MoMe2, we’ve added some simple quality-of-life improvements to the monster stat blocks!
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes Coming Soon!
New monsters for your 5th Edition 2014, 2024, & Level Up A5E games plus new horde monsters and heroic monsters which level up with you!
Level Up Gateway September Dev Update
Our main objective this past month has been implementing spell features for spellcasting classes.
Watch Sly Flourish Create a Level Up Character!
Mike builds a 1st level character with Level Up Advanced 5e!
Level Up Gateway August Dev Update
As development continues on Level Up Gateway we want to keep the community up to date with the progress with regular dev updates.
Building A Character On Level Up Gateway
With development on Level Up Gateway well under development, here’s a short ‘walkthrough’ as we make a new character.
Astral Whales & Exterminators!
The Voidrunner’s Codex contains a bestiary of alien monsters, robots, and foes for your characters to battle. Let’s look at a couple of them!
Voidrunner Character Origins
Here’s a look at the new origins available in the Voidrunner’s Codex!