This page contains official errata which applies to the first printing of the books. Errata is also applied directly to
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Level Up A5E Books Errata
Page 47, Caravanner’s Long Hauler trait, 3rd sentence
This should read, “In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made to avoid fatigue from a forced march.”
Page 160, Table: Healer Spells
The 7th level spells of the Healer archetype should be rage of the meek and tearful sonnet.
The 9th level spells of the Healer archetype should be flame strike and greater restoration
Page 165, 3rd-Level Spells
Add “Remove Curse (abj): Remove all curses from a creature.”
Page 192, Duelist, Parry and Thrust, 3rd sentence
This should read, “In addition, whenever you add an expertise die to your AC using a parrying weapon and the triggering attack misses you, you may immediately spend an exertion point to make a melee weapon attack against the creature that attacked you.”
Page 193, Duelist, Elusive, 3rd sentence
This should read, “In addition, whenever you parry an attack using a parrying weapon the expertise die to your AC increases by one stage.”
Page 208, Holy Champion, Aura of Darkness
This should read: “After initiative is rolled, when a hostile creature first enters into your aura, it makes a Wisdom saving throw or becomes frightened of you until the end of its next turn. Once a creature has been frightened by this aura, it is immune to the aura’s effects for 24 hours.”
Page 232, Expert Foraging
This should read: “Once between long rests, you can take 1 minute to collect a number of edible, non-poisonous plants and grubs equal to your proficiency bonus. A creature can use its action to eat up to 5 plants or grubs, each of which restores 1 hit point. The grubs die and spoil 1 hour after being collected.”
Page 233, Survivalist
Remove this exploration knack.
Page 237, Rogue Proficiencies, Weapons
Add shortbow to the list of rogue weapon proficiencies.
Page 269, Warlock Proficiencies, Tools
“gaming set (cards)” should be “gaming set (any)”.
Page 290, Spell Slots Per Level (table)
At 11th level, the wizard gains 2 5th level spell slots, not 3.
Page 344, vehicle actions
Remove the “Stop” vehicle action.
Page 380, Ace Driver
Add bullet point: “When you Brake, you can choose to immediately stop the vehicle without traveling half of its movement speed directly forward.”
Doomed & Fatigue
Page 450, Fatigue
Doomed occurs at 7 levels of fatigue, not 5.
Pages 496–615, Chapter 10: Spellcasting
The following spells are part of the law school: blood-writ bargain, calculate, calculated retribution, eldritch cube, geas, heart of dis, raise hell, searing equation, zone of truth.
Page 525, Create or Destroy Water, Spell Description
The spell description should read:
Choose one of the following.
Create Water: You fill the target with up to 10 gallons of nonpotable water. Alternatively, the water falls as rain that extinguishes exposed flames in the area.
Destroy Water: You destroy up to 10 gallons of water in the target. Alternatively, you destroy fog in the area.
Page 546, Forcecage
The fourth sentence should read: “The cage also traps creatures on the Ethereal Plane, and can only be destroyed by dispel magic cast using a spell slot of at least 8th-level or by being dealt at least 25 force damage in one round by a single attack or from a single effect.”
Page 585, Remove Curse, Classes
This should read “Classes: Cleric, herald, warlock, wizard”.
Page 586, Resilient Sphere
The third sentence should read: “The sphere can be destroyed without harming anyone inside by dispel magic cast using a spell slot of at least 4th-level or by being dealt at least 15 force damage in one round by a single attack or from a single effect.”
Page 604, Tiny Hut
The 2nd and third paragraphs should read:
The dome prevents inclement weather and environmental effects from passing through it and bars any creature not within the spell’s area when you cast it from entering, though creatures and objects that were within the spell’s area may pass through freely. You can also allow a specific creature to enter the space, as long as there are not currently 10 creatures inside. Spells and other magical effects can’t cross the dome in either direction, and the dome provides a comfortable dry interior no matter the conditions outside of it. You can command the interior to become dimly lit or dark at any time on your turn.
The spell fails if a Large or larger creature or more than 10 creatures are inside the affected area when you cast the spell. The spell ends when you leave the dome or if more than 10 creatures enter the dome.
Page 605, True Polymorph
The second sentence of the third paragraph should read: “The target is limited to actions that it is physically capable of doing, and it can’t speak or cast spells, though its personality remains unchanged. If the target is changed into a creature with an alignment trait, it must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it gains that alignment trait for the duration of the spell. Otherwise, it keeps its own alignment trait.”
Page 606, True Resurrection
The second sentence should read: “The spell ends the effects of any poison, disease, or curses that affected the target at the time of death (with the exception of those caused by Beshela’s enduring bestow curse), closes any wounds, and restores any missing body parts.”
Page 608, Wall of Force
The second sentence in 3rd paragraph should read: “It can be destroyed with dispel magic cast using a spell slot of at least 5th-level or by being dealt at least 25 force damage in one round by a single attack or from a single effect.”
The second sentence in 4th paragraph (Aurana’s Superior Forcewall) should read: “The wall can be destroyed with dispel magic cast using a spell slot of at least 6th-level or by being dealt at least 50 force damage in one round by a single attack or from a single effect.”
Page 610, Water Walk
The first sentence should read: “Until the spell ends, the targets are able to move across any liquid surface (such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava) as if it were solid ground.”
Page 613, Wind Walk
The second sentence should read: “Each target has a flying speed of 300 feet and resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons, but the only actions it can take are the Dash action or to revert to its normal form (a process that takes 1 minute during which it is incapacitated and can’t move).”
Page 613, Wind Wall
The first sentence of the third paragraph should read: “The wall keeps fog, smoke, and other gasses (including creatures in gaseous form) at bay.”
Page 615, Writhing Transformation
The third sentence after the bullet points should read: “In this form you have the statistics of a swarm of insects with the following exceptions: you keep your hit points, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma scores, and proficiencies.”
Page 619, Table: Fatigue
The level 1 condition of fatigue should read “Cannot Sprint or Dash”.
Journey Activities
Page 60, final paragraph
This should read:
Adventurers usually choose one journey activity for the entire region, and many activities grant additional rewards based on the time spent doing them. For example, when using the Busk activity, a PC gains gold for each day they perform that activity. The number of days spent is determined by the size of the region and the party's travel speed.
When making an ability check for a journey activity, the check is made at the start of the region. An adventurer may achieve a success or a failure, or a critical success or a critical failure, each with a different outcome which applies while the party remains in that region.
Page 61, Chronicle, Success
Change “future” to “current or future”.
Page 61, Cook, Success
This should read: “The daily Supply requirement to feed the party is reduced by one-quarter (round down to a minimum of 1 Supply) up to a maximum number of creatures equal to twice the adventurer’s proficiency bonus.”
Page 62, Entertain, Success
This should read: “The first time the adventurer or an ally, up to a number of creatures equal to the adventurer's proficiency bonus, would suffer a level of strife, they do not. When there is more than one member of the party that can benefit from this journey activity (like when the entire party makes saving throws against strife at the same time), the adventurer that performed it chooses who benefits.”
Page 63, Pray, Success
This should read: “The entire party gains advantage to one ability check or attack made while within this region, and the gods lead the adventurer to a Boon or Discovery.”
Page 63, Scout, Success
This should read: “The party automatically learns which regions adjoin the current region. Additionally, the party gains advantage on Perception checks made against any attempts to surprise or ambush them while journeying through this region.”
Page 99, Table: Dungeon Exploring Tier 2
This should read:
49 Elder Black Pudding
50–52 Fire Elemental [G]53–54 Flesh Guardian
55–56 Poison Darts
Exploration Challenges
Page 152, Tsunami, 1st line
This should read “4th tier (weather)”.
Enchanted Items
Page 232, Death’s Essence Pendant, Item Description
This should read:
This small black pendant has 5 charges and regains 1d4 charges each day at dawn.
You can use an action and expend a charge to make undead of CR 1 or lower indifferent to you and creatures you choose within 30 feet of you. Undead remain indifferent until you for up to 1 hour, or until you threaten or harm them.
Three times each day you can use a bonus action and expend a charge to summon a skeleton (page 334 or zombie (page 335). Your summoned creature follows you and is hostile to creatures that are hostile to you. You may decide the action the undead takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as guarding an area. If not given a command, the undead only defends itself. The undead continues to follow a command until its task is complete. Undead created by the pendant turn into dust at dawn.
Page 241, Eversmoking Bottle
Change “Smoke mephit cinders” to “Magma mephit cinders”.
Page 284, Ring of Jumping
Change “A desiccated jumping spider.” to “A desiccated giant wolf spider”.
Page 309, Transforming Cloak, Salamander Cloak
This should read:
This cloak appears to be made of living flames, though it does not burn. While your fire form is active you gain immunity to fire damage, your weapon attacks deal fire damage, when a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack it takes 1d6 fire damage, you can fit through spaces at least an inch wide without squeezing, and you gain a climb speed equal to your Speed.
Page 360, Table: Fatigue
The level 1 condition of fatigue should read “Cannot Sprint or Dash”.
Page 19, Deva
Divine Blast. Replace “+8 to hit” with “+9 to hit”
Page 275, Half-Dragon
Add sidebar:
In a campaign that includes firearms, these half-dragons also carry a carbine or musket.
Carbine. Ranged Weapon Attack: range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12 + Dexterity modifier piercing damage.
Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier piercing damage.
Page 339, Mummy Lord, 4th-level spells
Remove guardian of faith.
Page 339, Mummy Lord, Actions, Guardian of Faith
Change to:
Guardian of Faith (2/Day). A Large, indistinct spectral guardian appears within an unoccupied space within 30 feet and remains for 8 hours. Creatures of the mummy lord’s choice that move to a space within 10 feet of the guardian for the first time on a turn make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 20 radiant or necrotic damage (mummy lord’s choice) on a failed save or half damage on a success. The guardian disappears when it has dealt 60 total damage.
Page 340, Combat (Mummy Lord), 1st Sentence
Change “it casts guardian of faith.” to “it uses its guardian of faith action.”
Page 466, Squad Template
The first sentence in the line regarding size should read “Size. The squad’s Size increases by two categories.”
Page 487, Column 1, Archpriest, 4th-level spells
Replace guardian of faith with wall of fire.
Page 489, High Priest, 4th-level spells
Replace guardian of faith with wall of fire.
Page 489, Shadow Elf High Priest variant, 4th-level spells
Replace guardian of faith with wall of fire.
Page 514, Table: Fatigue
The level 1 condition of fatigue should read “Cannot Sprint or Dash”.
Page 11, Table: Fatigue
The level 1 condition of fatigue should read “Cannot Sprint or Dash”.
Materials & Repairing
Page 15, Level Up Item Materials and Repairing Items, 4th paragraph
Change to:
The AC provided from armor that is broken is halved, and until it’s repaired Annika’s broken armor only provides an AC of 14 (instead of an AC of 18 that full plate armor normally provides).
Regional Map
Page 27, Regional Map
Thornbury is unlabeled—it is the settlement just beneath the E of Holdenshire.
Method of Travel
Page 29, Method of Travel, 1st paragraph, last sentence
Change to: “If the players decide to abandon the wagon they can instead travel at a normal pace to cover 24 miles, or push themselves to go at a fast pace (though it’ll make it easier for creatures to ambush them along the way).”
Expertise Die
Page 29, Expertise Die sidebar, 1st paragraph
This should read as follows.
When you make a d20 roll with an expertise die, roll 1d4 and add the number rolled to the result. You can never roll more than one expertise die on the same roll. If another class feature or situation grants an expertise die of any size that applies to the same roll, you don’t gain another die; instead, the size of the largest expertise die increases by one step for that check, from 1d4 to 1d6, or 1d6 to 1d8. For example, if you have gained two expertise dice, a 1d6 and 1d6, you now have a 1d8 expertise die. If you have a 1d8 expertise die on a check, further expertise dice have no effect.
If you have advantage or disadvantage at the same time as an expertise die, only the d20 is rolled twice, not the expertise die.
Appendix A
Page 52, Table: Travel Pace, Crawl Column
This row should read as follows.
Pace Crawl
Minute 50 ft.
Hour 1/2 miles
Day 4 miles
Effect Advantage on Survival checks to cover tracks
Appendix D
Albert Wright
a commoner that gains a 1d6 expertise die on Animal Handling, Medicine, and Nature checks.
Heinrich Krebs
a cutthroat variant spy proficient with alchemist’s supplies.
Karatilana “Tila” Torin
cutthroat variant spy.
Mortimer Brothers
Gord is a cutthroat variant spy.
Stedd Grimwold
apprentice mage.
Credits Page
Change “Elizabeth Orchards” to “Elizabeth Orchard”.
Page 132, Column 1, Table: Problems in Blackford, row 1 column 1
Change 1d8 to 1d6.
Page 39, Column 2, 3rd paragraph, last sentence
Change “carrion crawler” to “manticore”.
Page 40, Map
Add key (B: Kitchen, etc.)
Page 66, Column 2, Quest XII: Kobolds of Thornbury, 1st paragraph
Replace with “This part of the adventure can occur at any time the PCs are in the village and the Narrator is ready to take the party across Endora.”
Page 107/108, Shadow Elf Priest
Change Passive Perception to 16.
Page 112, Shadow Elf Veteran
Add darkvision in Senses.
Page 126, Pemberton Ring
The possible visions should be before the paragraph that begins “In addition, if…”
Page 128, Sheeltielle the Queen Spider
Change Passive Perception to 11.
Page 196, Fountain of Innocent Blood, Legends and Lore
Change to “DC 15 Far”, “DC 18 None”, “DC 21 A”
Page 203, Vampire Spawn Ogre
Add Proficiency Modifier +3 and Maneuver DC 16.
Page 235, Shadow Elf Warmage, Actions
+1 Dagger through to end of Invisibility under actions is there twice.
Page 252, Corrupted Modrick
Has “Brute” as a special rule twice. Remove one.
Page 280, Imp Flock, Condition Immunities
Add “unconscious” to the list of condition immunities.
Page 281, Servant’s Amulet
The amulet of protection has the properties of a ring of protection.
Page 313, Elite Pirate Unit
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened, grappled , paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious
Page 333, Infernal Dwarf, ray of frost
The word “noble’s” should be “dwarf’s” or “infernal dwarf’s”.
Page 395, Stefan Oakfell para 1
“Stedd may” should be “Stefan may”.
Page 112, Falling Axe Trap
This should be 0th tier.
Page 140, Spear Trap
This should be 0th tier.
Page 146, Creating a Bastion
Replace “roll on Inhabitants and Contents for each location” with “roll on the appropriate table for each location (Bastion Contents, Cavern Contents, and so on)”.
Page 204, Orden Barrow Mound
“Elder Shadow” should be “Shadow Symbiot Knight”
Add the following text:
Shadow Claws. A shadow claw has the statistics of a shadow, but has a Speed of 0, a reach of 30 feet, and 1 hit point.
In addition to many small text and formatting changes, the following errata applies to Adventures in ZEITGEIST (A5E). If your copy of the book or PDF has the words “Second Printing” on the credits page, these changes have already been applied to it.
New Spell: Hex
1st-level (enchantment; affliction)
Class: Warlock
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Long (120 feet)
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S, M (blade or needle you draw your own blood with, or a venomous animal or poisonous plant you crush)
Duration: Concentration ( 1 hour )
You levy a mild curse on a creature you can see within range. When you cast this spell, choose an ability score. For the duration, that creature has disadvantage on ability checks of that type. Additionally, whenever you hit that creature with an attack it takes an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
When the target is reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend a bonus action on your next turn to move the curse to another creature you can see within range. Remove curse can end this spell.
Cast at Higher Levels. The spell’s duration is extended: 3rd- or 4th-level—Concentration (8 hours), 5th-level—Concentration (24 hours).
Page 21, Column 1, Deva Traits, Memory of Past Lifetimes
Change to:
You can choose to gain an expertise die when making an ability check or saving throw. If this is an ability check using a skill, tool, or vehicle you are not proficient with, you gain proficiency for the next minute. After you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Page 21, Column 2, Combined Soul
Change to:
Combined Soul. Your memories now include those of many devas who lived before you. You gain an expertise die on ability checks. In addition, when you finish a long rest you gain proficiency with a skill or tool kit of your choice until you finish your next long rest.
Page 21, Column 2, Manifest Incarnation, last paragraph
Change to:
For every minute the incarnation is active you suffer a level of strife which goes away when the incarnation is destroyed or absorbed.
Page 22, Column 2, Gnoll Paragon, Free Minded
Change to:
You gain an expertise die on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Page 22, Column 2, Gnoll Paragon, Supernatural Hide, last sentence
Change to:
After you use this trait a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 22, Column 2, Goblin Traits, Darkvision
Change to:
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Page 22, Column 2, Goblin Traits, Nimble Escape
After using this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 23, Column 1, Goblin Paragon, first sentence
Change to:
When you reach 10th level, you gain the following paragon gifts.
Natural Escapist. You can use Nimble Escape an unlimited number of times.
Page 23, Column 2, Kobold Gifts, Close Quarters
Change to:
Close Quarters. You gain an expertise die on melee attacks made against a creature whose space you are in. Also, your sensitive whiskers grant you blindsight with a range of 5 feet.
Page 24, Column 1, Lizardfolk Gifts, Autotomous
You cannot use this trait again until your limb has regrown.
Page 24, Column 1, Lizardfolk Gifts, Spiky
Change to:
When a creature grabs you and until it lets go it takes ongoing piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Page 24, Column 1, Lizardfolk Gifts, Venomous, first paragraph
Change to:
When you damage a creature with your bite, you can inject venom that deals poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus. At the end of each of the creature’s turns it makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or takes that poison damage again. On a successful save the effect ends. After you use this trait, you can’t produce venom again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 24, Column 2, Lizardfolk Paragon, Torpor, second sentence
You can spend a hit die to make a death saving throw while in torpor and do so with advantage.
Page 25, Column 2, Minotaur Paragon, Mental Maze, second sentence
Change to:
Whenever you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you may choose to succeed instead. Once you have used this trait a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 25, Column 2, Bloodmarked, Harrying Barks, 2nd-4th sentences
Change to:
The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. After you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 25, Column 2, Bloodmarked, Unyielding, 2nd sentence
Change to:
After you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 26, Column 1, De Guerra, Aggressive (3rd paragraph)
After using this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 26, Column 1, De Guerra, Reliable and Vigilant (5th paragraph)
Change to:
When you would have disadvantage on an ability check or saving throw, you can instead make the roll normally. After you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 27, Column 2, Relentless Endurance (4th paragraph) [Orc heritage has this trait as part of the paragon trait]
Change to:
Relentless Willpower. When you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it. You gain an expertise die on this reroll and you must use the new roll. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 28, Column 1, Breaking Touch, 5th sentence
Change “2d6 damage” to “2d6 force damage”
Page 32, Column 2, New Feat: Brook No Delay, 4th paragraph
Change to:
Whenever you Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Hide, one ally who can see you can use a bonus action on their next turn to perform the same action. A creature can only benefit from this feature once between short or long rests.
Page 33, Column 1, New Feat: Docker’s Jank
Change to:
In a band every musician has to know their bandmates’ parts in case they need to switch places or pick up the slack. Choose up to four allies; you may change your chosen allies after spending a few hours training with them. You and those allies can each use Help as a bonus action, but only to aid you or one of your chosen allies. After you or an ally uses this feature, that person cannot use it again until they finish a short or long rest.
Additionally, as a bonus action you can shout a line from an inspiring song to grant an ally a Bardic Inspiration die, a d6. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. This functions as the bard feature except that after you use this feature once, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
You are proficient with one type of musical instrument and with water vehicles.
Page 35, Column 2, New Feat: Martial Studies
Change to:
Research is important for science and for combat. If you don’t know just the right fighting technique, you’re pretty sure someone else has published a thesis about it.
You gain proficiency in one martial melee and one martial ranged weapon.
Additionally, you can make limited use of tricks from the savant class (page 45). You learn two savant tricks—typically Committed Defense Aegis and Experimental Flourish—and can acquire other techniques in your travels.
You can use a bonus action to prepare a trick you know (like a savant). Once you have done so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
If you are a savant with this feat, simply add the two tricks you picked to the list of tricks you know. You can prepare them as you would any other tricks.
You can also learn additional tricks by finding a copy of the thesis they wrote. If you have a copy of a thesis, when you complete a long rest you can replace one of the tricks you know with the trick detailed in the thesis. See Martial Scientist Theses (page 210) for a list of prominent theses and their associated tricks.
Pages 38–39, Column 2–Column 1, New Feat: Expression of Belief
Change to:
Your philosophy can affect reality. You are proficient in Culture and Dwarvish.
Additionally, choose one of the following philosophies and gain its associated feature.
You can also use a bonus action to grant that same feature to a creature you touch, which it must use in the next hour. After you grant the feature in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. Granting the feature doesn’t prevent you from using it yourself.
Eschatology. You are prepared to avoid bad endings. Once per hour when your hit points fall to 0, you may immediately stabilize. For the next round thereafter you cannot die, and damage you take doesn’t cause you to start dying.
If you touch a creature to share your feature and that creature died in the past round, it is returned to life at 0 hit points, stable, and is treated as if it had failed no death saving throws. For the next round thereafter it cannot die, and damage it takes doesn’t cause it to start dying.
Muktism. You can achieve brief transcendent freedom. Once per hour on your turn you may gain the benefits of the freedom of movement spell until the end of your next turn. During this time you have the Incorporeal Movement trait (you can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside an object, you take 1d10 force damage and are shunted to the nearest empty space.)
Solipsistic Nihilism. You have clarity and control over your mind. Once per hour you can gain the benefits of the mind blank spell until the end of your next turn. During this time you can also ignore any effects that compel your actions or control your emotions.
Page 42, Column 1, New Feat: Display of Heroism
Change to:
You unfortunately have great experience rescuing allies on the battlefield. As a bonus action, you can choose one or two bloodied creatures within 10 feet of you, potentially including yourself. If they are at 0 hit points, your heroic example rouses them to 1 hit point. If they are prone, you move to the nearest open space and lift them to a stand. The creatures can each move their speed without provoking opportunity attacks, and until the end of your next turn, attack rolls against them have disadvantage and they have advantage on saving throws.
Once you use this feat, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
In addition, you are proficient with water vehicles.
Page 44, Column 1, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
Change to:
If a vekeshi passes these trials, they rest and recover in luxury as their teachers instruct them in the secrets of the philosophy, and drill into them the necessity of discretion.
Page 44, Column 2, New Feat: Hand of Retribution, 1st sentence
Change to:
You gain proficiency in Intimidation and Elvish.
Page 44, Column 2, New Feat: Hand of Retribution, 3rd–4th paragraph
In battle, a vestige of the power of Srasama waits to punish those who harm you or your allies. When an enemy you’re aware of deals damage to you or one of your allies, you can use your reaction to deal 2d10 radiant damage to it. That enemy sees a faint burning outline of a six-armed goddess hovering behind you, armed with blades of fire. After you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
At 5th level, the damage increases to 3d10. At 11th level, the enemy also catches on fire, taking 1d10 ongoing fire damage until an action is used to douse the flames. At 17th level, the ongoing fire damage increases to 2d10.
Page 47, Column 1, Canny Dodge Aegis
Change to:
Canny Dodge Aegis. When an attack would hit you, you can use this trick to gain an expertise die to your AC against that attack. Alternatively, when you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use this trick to gain an expertise die. In either case, you know how much the roll succeeded or failed by before deciding whether to use this aegis.
Page 47, Column 1, Improvised Bastion Aegis
Change to:
Improvised Bastion Aegis. When you are damaged by a creature you can use this trick to devise a momentary defense (using a chair as a shield, predicting a safe spot in an explosion, diluting a spray of acid with a solvent, and so on) reducing the damage you take by half.
Page 47, Column 1, Mindful Reason Aegis
Change to:
Mindful Reason Aegis. When you fail an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, you can use this trick to gain an expertise die on the saving throw. You know how much the roll failed by before deciding whether to use this aegis.
Page 47, Column 2, Menacing Flourish, last sentence
Add “A frightened creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.”
Page 48, Column 2, Combat Maneuvers, 3rd paragraph
Change to:
You can initially learn maneuvers of the 1st degree. At 6th level you gain access to 2nd degree maneuvers, at 10th level you can access 3rd degree maneuvers, at 14th level you can access 4th degree maneuvers, and finally at 18th level you can access 5th degree maneuvers.
Page 49, Column 1, Quick Wits, last sentence
Change “short rest” to “short or long rest.”
Page 49, Column 2, The Opportune Moment
Change to:
Opportune Moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action. You cannot use this feature on the first round of combat, and after using it you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 50, Column 1, Bolster Ally, last sentence
Change “complete a short rest before” to “finish a short or long rest before”
Page 50, Column 2, This is No Place to Die, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
At the Narrator’s discretion, some actions can kill a helpless creature regardless (such as decapitation or falling in lava).
Page 51, Column 1, Checkmate, 2nd sentence
Change to:
When you successfully use Combat Deduction, until the end of your next turn you have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws made against that creature, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws made against you.
Page 51, Column 2, Weapon of Choice, 1st paragraph, 4th sentence
Change “creature completes a short rest.” to “creature completes a short or long rest.”
Page 52, Column 1, Hypnotic Voice, 1st and 2nd paragraph
Change to:
At 6th level, grabbing the focus and attention of others becomes second nature. You can use an action to cause creatures of your choice that can perceive you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your trick save DC. Creatures that don’t understand your language have advantage on the saving throw. Creatures that cannot be charmed automatically succeed their saving throws, and if you or your companions are fighting a creature, it makes its saving throw with advantage.
On a failure, a creature is charmed by you for as long as you continue talking (with reasonable pauses, perhaps even conversation back and forth) and for the next hour after. While charmed by you, the creature has disadvantage on Perception checks made to perceive creatures other than you. The focus required for this mesmerism is mentally taxing.
Page 52, Column 2, Just What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?, last sentence
Change to:
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Page 52, Column 2, Kleptology
Change to:
When a creature makes a melee attack against you or otherwise touches you, you can use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check against it.
Additionally, when you spend at least a minute interacting with a creature while within arm’s reach, you gain an expertise die on Sleight of Hand checks against it until the interaction ends.
Page 53, Column 1, Reinforce Apotropaics, last sentence
Change to “(and you gain an expertise die to the check).”
Page 54, Column 2, 1st and 2nd paragraph
Change to:
When you use this feature, you cannot spend exertion to use One with the Gun to add your Martial Arts die to
this damage twice.
You can use this feature even if you haven’t acted in combat yet. After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 55, Column 1, Abuzz With Rage, 3rd paragraph, 4th sentence and 5th sentence
Change to:
When you gain rage hit points, you can choose for a creature sharing your rage to gain them instead.
Page 55, Columns 1–2, Feel My Sting, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
Also at 3rd level, while you are wielding a single light or finesse melee weapon and not using a shield, you may choose to treat that weapon as if it had the heavy and two-handed properties. While doing so the weapon’s damage die increases to 1d12.
Page 55, Column 2, Dull the Sting
Also at 6th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage. When you take psychic damage but only lose rage hit points from the damage dealt, you do not suffer any additional effects from that source of psychic damage.
Page 55, Column 2, Queen’s Drone
Change to:
At 14th level, others in a rage serve you like drone bees serve a queen. When you use an action to Attack, you can force a creature that is sharing your rage to use its reaction to make a melee attack against a target of your choice (other than itself). Before the attack, you can have the creature move up to half its Speed toward the target. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again until your next rage.
Page 56, Column 1, Wayfaring Stranger, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
Change to:
A creature can use a bonus action to expend a Bardic Inspiration die you’ve given it to teleport 30 feet (otherwise as misty step).
Page 56, Column 1, Wayfaring Stranger, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence
Change “and 500 feet at 17th level.” to “and 200 feet at 17th level.”
Page 56, Column 2, Ever, Ever On, 2nd and 3rd sentence
Change to:
At 14th level, no obstacle can hinder your travel, not even gravity itself. You gain a fly speed equal to your Speed. Additionally, you can use an action to burrow a distance equal to your Speed.
Page 56, Column 2, Potential Domain Spells table
Change “Potential” in table title to “Aspirant”
At 5th level remove “blinding smite”, add “vampiric touch”
Page 57, Column 1, Fighting Fitness, 1st bullet point
Change this to “You must choose Armor of Conviction as your Defensive Blessing.”
Page 57, Column 1, Fighting Fitness, 3rd bullet point
Change to:
You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain cleric levels (as the adept’s Martial Arts feature, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Adept table).
Page 57, Column 1, Fighting Fitness, last bullet point
Change to:
When you take the Attack action and hit with an unarmed strike, you can use a bonus action to briefly glow with holy power and deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage. The radiant damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level. After using this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 57, Column 1, Channel Divinity–Potential Self, first paragraph
Change to:
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to let a creature briefly manifest its full potential. Spend an action and choose yourself or a creature within 30 feet. For the next minute, the target gains a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws, and its AC increases by 2. In addition, immediately after receiving this blessing the target can use its reaction to make an attack.
Page 57, Column 2, Possible Paragon
Change to:
At 6th level, you can help someone strain the bonds of what they could normally achieve. When you use Potential Self the target also chooses one ability score to increase by 2. This can temporarily increase an ability score above 20.
Page 57, Column 2, Transcendent Form, 3rd sentence
Change to:
Additionally, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, or thunder.
Page 58, Column 2, Sword of a Thousand Worlds, 3rd–4th paragraph
Change to:
Additionally, you can imbue your strikes with elemental power. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one use of Wild Shape to deal an extra 1d10 energy damage (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder, chosen when you activate this feature).
The extra damage increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th level. Aberrations take double damage from this feature.
Page 58, Column 2, Invoke the Seal, 1st paragraph, last sentence
Change to:
After using this feature twice, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 59, Column 1, Utility Items, 5th paragraph, 1st sentence
Change to:
Unless otherwise noted gadgets only work once, activating a gadget requires an action, and you can only activate one gadget per turn.
Page 59, Column 1, Utility Items, 6th paragraph (Weapon Gadgets.), 2nd sentence and last sentence
Remove the parenthetical, remove last sentence about number of attacks
Page 59, Column 1, Gadget Options, 3rd paragraph (Alchemist’s Phlogiston.), 4th and 5th sentences
Change to:
on a hit, the target takes 1d10 ongoing fire damage until an action is used to extinguish the flames.
Page 59, Column 2, 4th paragraph (Ascension Gear.), last two sentences
Change to:
Succeeding on a DC 10 Acrobatics lets you use the anchor point to swing across a gap up to 120 feet across. While doing so you cannot grab onto held or worn objects, nor onto creatures unless they’re unconscious or willing.
Page 60, Column 1, 4th paragraph, 3rd sentence
Change to:
While descending you can move up to 10 feet horizontally for every 5 feet you descend vertically.
Page 60, Columns 1–2, last paragraph (Redoubled Reaction Ram)
Redoubled Reaction Ram. Weapon. In place of an attack, you can Shove a creature within 5 feet. The creature has disadvantage on its saving throw. On a success you deal force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, and can either knock the target prone or push it 10 feet. Alternatively, you can spend a bonus action to place this device against a door and make a Strength check with advantage to break down that door (you gain a 1d6 expertise die on this check). You can use the ram in a similar way to shatter unattended inanimate objects.
Page 61, Oath Spells
Remove this and the table for it, replace with the following:
Archetype Schools
Add the scrying and telepathy schools of magic to your list of herald spells.
Page 62, Column 1, Channel Divinity, Savage Beating, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
While this effect is active, whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack you gain resistance to damage from its attacks until the end of your next turn, and you can Shove it. If you push the target away with a Shove, you can follow and remain within 5 feet without needing to spend any movement.
Page 62, Column 1, Chainbreaker, 2nd and 3rd paragraph
Change to:
When you use Infectious Resolve to remove a spell from a creature, you can also use it to remove an effect that charms, grapples, paralyzes, or restrains, or an effect that would be ineffective against immunity to any of these conditions. This can break grapples and unclasp physical bindings. The creature can then move 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
In addition, if you use Infectious Resolve to end a spell or condition and the creature that cast the spell or created the condition being removed is within 60 feet of you, that creature takes 10 radiant damage.
Page 63, Column 2 (before Titan Magic)
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, your connection to the fey titans grants you the ability to cast spells.
At 3rd level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the druid spell list. These spells count as ranger spells for you. You learn an additional cantrip at 10th level.
Spell Slots
The Titanist Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st-level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st-Level or Higher
You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the druid spell list. The Spells Known column of the Titanist Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells of your choice from this feature. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Table: Titanist Spellcasting
Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2 3 2 — — —
4th 2 4 3 — — —
5th 2 4 3 — — —
6th 2 4 3 — — —
7th 2 5 4 2 — —
8th 2 6 4 2 — —
9th 2 6 4 2 — —
10th 3 7 4 3 — —
11th 3 8 4 3 — —
12th 3 8 4 3 — —
13th 3 9 4 3 2 —
14th 3 10 4 3 2 —
15th 3 10 4 3 2 —
16th 3 11 4 3 3 —
17th 3 11 4 3 3 —
18th 3 11 4 3 3 —
19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
20th 3 13 4 3 3 1
Pages 63–64, Spells Tables
Change all of these as follows:
5th → 7th
9th → 13th
13th → 19th
Remove the final rows with 17th already (raise dead, cone of cold, passwall, telekinesis, legend lore)
Page 64, Column 2, Terrain Manifestation, 1st paragraph, 2nd-4th sentences
Change to:
You can use a bonus action to make the area in a 30-foot radius into difficult terrain that lasts for one minute or until you end it with a bonus action. This difficult terrain remains in place if you move.
Page 66, Columns 1–2, Plant Memories
Change to:
At 13th level, you’re able to slip into a creature’s mind to alter and add memories. You can use an action to cast modify memory without the need for any vocalized or seen components, but only at a range of 5 feet and using Intelligence or Charisma as your spellcasting ability. You can communicate the new memories telepathically.
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 66, Column 2, Steal Loyalty
Change to:
At 17th level, you’re able to deftly rewrite a foe’s mind in the middle of battle. When you would deal sneak attack damage to a creature, you may instead try to take over its mind (as dominate monster, using Intelligence or Charisma as your spellcasting ability). If the creature succeeds its saving throw or whenever the spell ends, that creature takes psychic damage equal to your sneak attack dice.
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 67, Column 1, 1st paragraph
Change to:
hit points within 30 feet of you since the end of your last turn, you can spend 1 sorcery point and choose another creature within that range, dealing 1d12 force damage to it. The force damage increases to 2d12 at 5th level, 3d12 at 11th level, and 4d12 at 17th level.
Page 67, Column 1, Unboil an Egg, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
You can spend 1 sorcery point and the highest level spell slot you currently possess to cast cure wounds.
Page 67, Column 2, The Teeth of the Gyre
Change to:
At 18th level, you can manifest the heart of the Gyre, which can destroy anything. You can spend a bonus action to create a sphere of annihilation within 5 feet of you, which lasts for one minute. This floating sphere of darkness is a 2-foot-diameter hole in reality that eliminates all matter that it comes into contact with. Only artifacts can survive contact with the sphere, though some artifacts have a specific weakness to its properties.
Anything that the sphere touches or that touches it that is not instantly obliterated takes 4d10 force damage. The default state of the sphere is stationary, but should a creature be in the way of a moving sphere it makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or takes 4d10 force damage.
While within 60 feet of an uncontrolled sphere of annihilation, you can use an action to make a DC 25 Charisma (Arcana) check and take control of it. On a success, the sphere moves in the direction of your choice a number of feet equal to 5 × your Charisma modifier (minimum 5 feet). On a failure, the sphere moves 10 feet toward you instead. If a sphere is controlled by another creature, you may wrest away control by using an action and making a Charisma (Arcana) check opposed by the controlling creature. On a success, you take control of the sphere and can utilize it as normal. Other creatures attempting to influence it make Intelligence (Arcana) checks and the distance they can move it is based on their Intelligence modifier.
When you create the sphere, you can immediately move it as if you had controlled it, but afterward the sphere hovers in place unless you or another creature spend an action to try to control it.
A unique effect happens when a sphere comes into contact with a planar portal or extradimensional space (such as a portable hole). In the case of such an event, the Narrator rolls d100 to determine what happens next: on 1–50 the sphere is destroyed, on 51–85 the sphere simply moves through the portal or into the space, and on 86–100 a rift forms that pulls in all creatures and objects within 180 feet. Each object and creature, including the sphere, reappears in a random plane of existence (or, at the Narrator’s discretion, in the Gyre).
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Page 68, Column 1, Expanded Spell List
Urbanists may select other expanded spell lists, but usually choose the Genius Loci expanded spell list.
Change the title of the table to Genius Loci Expanded Spells
Page 69, Column 1, Get Lost
Change to:
At 14th level, you’re able to lure foes into a demiplane that resembles a stylized version of your bonded city. You can use an action to make the essence of your bonded city bleed into a 60-foot radius around you. Enemies in that area see phantom images of streets, alleys, tunnels, and other pathways, and feel their sense of place being assaulted. If a creature ends its turn in the area, you can end the phantom images and cast maze on it, trapping it in your demiplane until it can escape. Maintaining the phantom images or the maze requires concentration.
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 70, Column 1, Exceptional Spellthievery
Change to:
At 14th level, you’re able to steal magic from enchanted items and ongoing spells. You can use a bonus action to choose a non-artifact magic item or creature affected by an ongoing spell within 60 feet. The properties of an unattended magic item are transferred to an item you are carrying. If the magic item is held by a creature, it makes an Intelligence saving throw to resist this effect. When choosing a spell on a creature, the creature makes an Intelligence saving throw, and on a failure you transfer that spell to yourself. The transfer lasts for ten minutes (or earlier if a spell’s duration expires before that).
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Page 71, Column 1, 3rd paragraph (Offense.), last two sentences
Change to:
You can use a bonus action to deal bludgeoning damage equal to your proficiency bonus to one creature within your domain.
Page 71, Column 1, Guardian Force
Change to:
At 10th level, when you have an area declared as your domain, you can conjure one or more beasts to defend it, tethering a bit of your soul to the Dreaming to bring your will to life. You can use an action to cast conjure animals as if you used a spell slot of the highest level available to you. In addition, when summoned choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder. The summoned creatures gain resistance to the chosen damage type.
You can use this feature even if you are not in your domain, such as if you have spotted an interloper through clairvoyance or have been alerted by a ritually cast alarm. If so, the conjured creature appears in the center of your domain.
Any creatures you summon this way must remain within your domain. They vanish when slain or when your link to the domain ends. If you would fail a concentration check and would lose this spell, you can spend a Hit Die to keep the spell active. After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 77, Column 2, Civilized Gear Table, last row
Remove “; bone saw, debriding curette, ether, forceps, morphium, probes, retractors, scalpels, scissors, sutures, syringe”
Page 78, Column 2, Surgeon’s Kit, first sentence
Change to:
Surgeon’s Kit. This tool kit includes a bone saw, debriding curette, ether, forceps, morphium, probes, retractors, scalpels, scissors, sutures, and syringe. Whenever you treat an injured ally during a short or long rest, make a DC Medicine check. On a success, the first Hit Die that ally spends restores an additional 5 hit points, or on a failure by 5 or more that first Hit Die is wasted and restores no hit points. At the Narrator’s discretion this item might also aid the treatment of long-term afflictions.
Page 79, Table: Advanced Firearms, Grenade row
Change damage to “1d4 bludgeoning”, remove “Inaccurate”
Page 80, Column 1, Grenade
Change to:
This heavy metal hand-thrown explosive resembles a somewhat rounded dodecahedron. Small firegem percussion caps at its vertices ignite the firedust inside when they are struck with sufficient force, which sends shards of metal in all directions. Sometimes these caps do not ignite at first impact, so grenades hold the risk of bouncing and exploding somewhere other than their intended target. Grenades are destroyed after use.
When you throw a grenade, make a ranged attack roll against an unoccupied 5-foot space (AC 10) or a creature. (If the creature occupies more than one 5-foot space, choose one of the squares it occupies.) If the attack misses by 5 or more the grenade veers off course, missing by 5 feet in a random direction, or 10 feet if the target area was at long range. Each creature in a 5-foot radius of where the grenade lands makes a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage. If you targeted a creature and the attack roll is a critical hit, the creature receives no saving throw and takes double damage. Other creatures in the area are affected normally.
Page 80, Column 1, New Weapon Properties, Burn
Change to:
Burn. The fire fusil only deals 1 fire damage but the target also catches aflame, taking 1d10 ongoing fire damage until an action is used to extinguish the flames.
Page 80, Column 1, New Weapon Properties, Inaccurate
Page 81, Column 1, Scatter, last sentence
Remove “smite spells,”
Page 88, Column 1, 2nd and 3rd paragraph
Change to:
Whenever the pilot tries to use Maneuver or Ahead Full, they must make a DC 10 air vehicles check. On a failure they instead Drive the glider, or on a failure by 5 or more they Brake the glider instead.
Each round the glider safely descends 10 feet at initiative count 20. If no one is piloting it, or if the pilot used Stop in the past round, the glider instead falls 100 feet at initiative count 20. To regain control of the glider, the pilot must use a bonus action to succeed on a DC 10 air vehicles check.
Page 196, column 1, Aerial Bracers, last paragraph
Change to:
Additionally, while wearing the rare version of this item you gain an expertise die to damage rolls made with ranged weapons.Page 196, Column 2, Amulet of the Impeccable Spy, 2nd paragraph after crafting components
Change to:
While you are wearing the amulet you benefit from the following properties.
Page 198, Column 1, Autonomous Mechanical Carriage, 4th paragraph after crafting components
Change to:
While you are in the driver’s seat, you can use an action to manually direct the carriage or to make it attack. The carriage appears at full hit points and acts as a Huge animated object with AC 18, but will not attack unless you direct it to.
Page 199, Column 1, Bracers of Liberty, first paragraph after crafting components, 2nd sentence
Change “If the wearer loses control of their will, the links sear with retaliatory heat and bring the wearer to their senses” to “If you lose control of your will, the links sear with retaliatory heat and bring you back to your senses”
Page 200, Column 1, 2nd–6th paragraphs after sidebar
Change to:
Normally, these act as nothing more than regular manacles. If placed upon you willingly or while at 0 hit points, a soft and aureate light begins to limn the handcuffs, signifying that they have been magically reinforced until the next time they are removed. While so magically reinforced, all DCs associated with circumventing the manacles increase to 30.
Additionally, whenever you use any non-permanent magical effects (including but not limited to spells, charming gazes, frightening auras, invisibility, shapechanging, telepathy, teleportation, the Incorporeal Movement trait, legendary actions, or lair actions), you take 4d6 psychic damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or else the magic you attempted fails to happen. Similar to concentration, the DC is 10 or half the damage you take, whichever is higher.
If someone attempts to break the cuffs, you take damage as if you tried to use magic. The cuffs have 30 hit points, and either resistance or immunity to most types of damage.
When damage from the cuffs reduce you to 0 hit points you stabilize and they deal no additional damage until you have 1 hit point or more. The cuffs, however, only have three charges each hour, so a very committed prisoner might manage to power through an escape attempt.
For the most magically powerful foes, greater bindings that use similar principles might be employed. The uncommon ‘magebinding jacket’ deals 10d6 psychic damage and also keep you restrained. It too only has three charges per hour, but as yet no prisoner has ever been known to fight past more than two. Courtesy of Urim’s aureate energy, the jacket has 50 hit points.
Page 200, Column 2, Diplomatic Firearm, 1st line
Change to:
Ranged weapon (any firearm with an ammunition clip), rare (+1; cost 750 gp; +2; cost 4,500 gp), or very rare (+3; cost 10,500 gp) (requires attunement)
Page 201, Column 1, Distinguished Top Hat, 2nd paragraph after crafting components
Change to:
While you are wearing the hat you benefit from the following properties.
Page 201, Column 1, Eldritch Fusil, Ostean, 1st paragraph after crafting components, 2nd sentence
Change “It is a one-handed ranged weapon that deals 1d10 piercing damage, and range 20/60.” to “
Page 201, Columns 1–2, Eldritch Fusil, Ostean, everything after crafting components
Change to:
This arcane fusil was crafted with blood magic drawn from the plane Ostea. Carved from bone, the weapon has a scabrous crust clotting the interior of the barrel. It is a one-handed ranged weapon (range 20/60) that deals 1d10 piercing damage. The weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage against nonliving things like constructs, undead, and inanimate objects.
Similar to a traditional arcane fusil, this weapon requires no ammunition. However instead of evoking bolts of elemental energy, it creates and fires a bullet of your blood. It does not require a trigger charge, nor any sort of action to reload, and so can fire multiple shots in the same turn if you are capable of making multiple attacks.
Once you have attuned to and are wielding the arcane fusil, you can fire a number of shots equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). These shots recharge after you finish a short or long rest. Any shots beyond these, as well as any shots fired if you are not attuned, also deal 10
damage to you. This damage cannot be reduced. It is possible for you to exsanguinate yourself into unconsciousness by overusing an Ostean fusil.
If you do not have blood you cannot use this fusil.
Page 202, Column 1, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
The suit can remain expanded indefinitely outside of combat, but each round of combat in which you attack or are attacked depletes the exosuit’s energy. After you have spent ten rounds enlarged during combat, the suit automatically reverts and cannot be activated again for 8 hours.
Page 205, Column 2, Caeloon, 2nd sentence
Change to:
If a bloodied creature is actively participating in combat it can choose to gain a d10 expertise die on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
Page 205, Column 2, Jiese, 2nd sentence
Remove “(1d4)”
Page 206, Column 1, Av
Change to:
Pale, white refulgence grants ingress into dreamscapes. A creature can use an action to fall asleep and cast its mind into the dreamscape of a naturally-slumbering creature also within the light. This journey only lasts so long as the lantern light glows, and the nature of the dreamscape is up to the Narrator. A creature that “dies” in the dreamscape wakes up; it suffers a level of strife, but all the damage it took in the dreamscape goes away unless it was psychic damage. If the dreamer awakens, those inside the dreamscape “die” this same way.
Page 206, Column 1, Iratha Ket, 2nd sentence
Remove “(1d4)”
Page 206, Column 1, Teykfa, 3rd sentence
Change “or suffer the effects of slow while it remains” to “or be slowed while it remains”
Page 207, Column 1, Shoes of Reliable Style, 3rd bullet point
Remove “(1d4)”
Page 207, Column 1, Six-Loa Saber, Brawler Loa, 1st sentence
Change to:
On your turn you cause a creature you can see within 60 feet to make a DC 19 Charisma saving throw.
Page 207, Column 1, Six-Loa Saber, Burner Loa
Change to:
At the end of your turn you can choose to set fire to each creature you hit with the sword this turn. Each creature takes 2d10 ongoing fire damage until it spends an action to extinguish the flames.
Page 207, Column 2, Cheater Loa
Change to:
When a melee weapon attack misses you, you can use your reaction to disarm your attacker if they fail a DC 19 Strength saving throw.
Page 207, Column 2, Skulduggery Ring, last paragraph
Remove “(d4)”
Page 207, Column 2, Smuggling Ring, 2nd paragraph
At the end add:
Food or water placed in the ring immediately and permanently lose all nourishing qualities—after being in the ring, water no longer slakes thirst and food does not sate hunger or nourish.
Page 208, Column 1, 5th bullet point
Remove “(d4)”
Page 208, Column 1, last line
Remove “(d4)”
Page 209, Column 2, Annulus of Heaven’s Succor, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to heal. Either you or an ally within 60 feet regain hit points equal to 1d6 × your proficiency bonus.
Page 209, Column 2, Corona of Burning Judgment, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence
Change to:
That creature takes radiant damage equal to 1d6 × your proficiency bonus.
Page 211, Column 1, Tentacle Technique (Aegis)
Change to:
When you or an ally you’re aware of is grappled by a creature, you can use this trick to let the grappled creature use its reaction to make a melee attack against the attacker that is grappling it. If this attack hits, the grapple ends in addition to the attack’s normal effect.
Page 211, Column 2, Stance of the Paper Wind (Aegis)
Change to:
When a creature you have not attacked since the start of your previous turn targets you with a melee attack, you can use this trick to fold your body away from the attack’s full force, then unfold and use your enemy’s momentum against them to hurl them away. You gain resistance to that attack’s damage, and after the attack, you throw the attacker in a direction of your choice up to a distance equal to 5 feet × your proficiency bonus. The attacker can make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid being moved.
Page 213, Column 1, Prestige Classes, first paragraph, last sentence
Add “With each level you take in a prestige class your proficiency bonus increases normally (as if you had taken levels in a standard class).”
Page 214, Column 1, first table, 2nd row, 2nd column
Change to:
(DEX save) The target catches aflame, taking 1d10 ongoing fire damage until an action is used to extinguish the flames. The ongoing fire damage increases to 2d20 when you reach 17th level.
Page 214, Column 1, Follow Yonder Star, last two sentences
Until the end of your next turn opportunity attacks that target you or your allies automatically miss. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Page 215, Column 2, Inexplicable Narration, 2nd paragraph, last sentence
Change to:
You can declare mundane objects or minor elements of terrain, but cannot use this feature to deal damage or to create creatures, magical effects, or objects of any noteworthy value.
Page 216, Column 2, Autofire, 1st paragraph, last sentence
This graze damage is not increased by anything else (not ability modifiers, feats, smite spells, sneak attack, etc.), though resistances and vulnerabilities still apply.
Page 216, Column 2, Freeze Ray, 1st sentence
Change to:
A creature hit by this beam is restrained by encasing ice, and if the attack reduces it to 0 hit points the beam immediately stabilizes it.
Page 217, Column 1, Kinetic Repulse, 2nd and 3rd paragraphs
Change to:
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
When you reach third level, you can activate this feature once on your turn without spending a bonus action.
Page 217, Column 2, Instant Boot Camp, last sentence
Add “Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Page 218, Column 1, Do You Want to Live Forever, last sentence
Change “benefit of cover against non-melee attacks.” to “benefit of three-quarters cover against ranged attacks.”
Page 219, Column 1, Summon Audience, 2nd sentence
Change “major illusion” to “major image”
Page 219, Column 1, Prerequisite
Change “Martial Studies feat or Savant class,” to “At least one savant level or Martial Studies feat,”
Page 220, Column 1, Cunning Defense, 2nd sentence
Change to:
You can replace your Dexterity modifier with your proficiency bonus when calculating your Armor Class.
Page 220, Column 2, 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence
Change “a Dexterity check (DC 20) with thieves’ tools as an action.” to “a DC 20 thieves’ tools check as an action.”
Page 220, Column 2, last paragraph, last sentence
Change “a short rest.” to “a short or long rest.”
Page 221, Column 1, Personal Touches, 2nd paragraph
Change to:
At 2nd level, add a 2nd-level wizard spell to your capabilities, and at 3rd level add a 3rd-level wizard spell. You can cast each spell once between short or long rests.
Page 221, Column 1, Matrix Stability
Remove “instead of having to spend a short rest”
Page 221, Column 2, 2nd paragraph, 2nd and 3rd sentences
Change to:
A medium who devotes themselves to speaking with cities can still use their powers in the wilderness, but in a much weakened capacity. In the smog-choked streets of a burgeoning industrial metropolis, though, they have a veritable army at their command.
Page 221, Column 2, Spellcasting, 1st sentence
Replace “dissonant whispers” with “enrage architecture”
Before tiny hut add “searing equation,”
Page 221, Column 2, Urban Bond, last sentence
Change “a +2 bonus to” to “an expertise die on”
Page 222, Column 1, The City Comes Alive, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence
Change “if the creature s Large or smaller you may knock it prone,” to “and if it is a Large or smaller creature you may choose to knock it prone,”
Page 222, Column 2, Prerequisite
Change “character level 7th” to “character level 10th”
Page 222, Column 2, Dreadnought
Change the name of this feature to “Ally of the Goddess”
Page 222, Column 2, Dreadnought, 1st paragraph, last sentence
Change “get a +2 bonus to Wisdom saving throws.” to “gain an expertise die on Wisdom saving throws.”
Page 222, Column 2, Daunting Presence, last sentence
Change to:
On a failure the creature is frightened of you until the end of its next turn, or on a success it is immune to your Daunting Presence for 24 hours.
Page 222, Column 2, Threefold Presence, end of 3rd paragraph and 4th paragraph
Change to:
You cannot use an extra action if you have been granted an extra action the same turn.
After using this feature, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.
Page 223, Column 2, Aspect of Srasama, Burning Scimitar, last sentence
Change to:
The target takes 5 (1d10) ongoing fire damage until an action is used to extinguish the flames.
Page 224, Column 2, last bullet point
Change “distant, empowered, or extended.” to “Distant Spell, Empowered Spell, or Persistent Spell.”
Page 224, Column 2, Wayfarer Guide
Change to:
Whenever you teleport you can bring three extra creatures within 20 feet of you along with you, even if your method of teleporting would normally only teleport you (such as with misty step). After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Page 226, BEAR, Column 1
Change HP to 123 (13d8+65; bloodied 61)
Change skills to: Athletics +9, Intimidation +2 (+1d8), Perception +5 (+1d8), Stealth +9 (+1d8)
Change Maul damage to 27 (4d10+5)
Change Integrated Semi-Automatic Firearm damage to 27 (4d10+5)
Change Ground Pound damage to 27 (4d10+5)
Change Precision Targeting damage to 27 (4d10+5)
Page 226, BEAR, Column 2, Precarious Complexity, last sentence
Change “use any of its recharge abilities this turn.” to “use Ground Pound or Precision Targeting until after the end of its next turn.”
Page 227, Brass Man, Column 1
Change AC to 15 (natural armor)
Change HP to 36 (8d8; bloodied 18)
Musket add “ft.” after “range 60/180”
Page 227, Column 2, Military Steamsuit
This needs the following information:
Military Steamsuit Pilot
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Large humanoid (any)
Change HP to 60 (8d10+16; bloodied 30)
Page 228, Column 2, Ran’s Cachean Elephant
Change HP to 119 (14d10+42; bloodied 59)
Trampling Charge change to DC 17 Strength saving throw
Farslayer Tusks last two sentences change to “The creature makes a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 19 (3d8+6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half damage on a success.”
Reject Graft 2nd sentence change to “When the elephant receives any magical healing, one of the following stops working until the elephant completes a long rest: Damage Resistances, Farslayer Tusks, or Gale Shield.”
Page 229, Column 1, Family Bravura
Change HP to 9 (2d8; bloodied 4)
Part of the Family 3rd sentence change to “When a hostile creature reduces the bravura to 0 hit points, one allied creature with this trait can use its reaction to move its Speed then make an attack against the hostile creature.”
Page 229, Column 1, Kuchnost Strangler
Change HP to 19 (3d8+6; bloodied 9)
Change Skills to Athletics +3 (+1d4), Intimidation +2
Page 229, Column 2, Family Capodecina
Change HP to 36 (8d8; bloodied 18)
Change Skills to Intimidation +4, Perception +2, Stealth +3 (+1d4)
Part of the Family change to “When a hostile creature reduces the capo to 0 hit points, one allied creature with this trait can use its reaction to move its Speed then make an attack against the hostile creature.”
Sneak Attack reduce to “an extra 7 (2d6) damage”
Shortsword change damage to 4 (1d6+1)
Disappear in a Crowd change second sentence to “Then it can either Dash or attack with its shortsword.”
Sly Maneuver change “capodecina” to “capo”
Page 230, Column 1, Kuchnost Negotiator
Change HP to 39 (6d8+12; bloodied 19)
Page 230 Columns 1–2, Last Raven Fetch
Change HP to 9 (2d8; bloodied 4)
Raven’s Perch change ‘grabbed” to “grappled” (x2) and “grab” to “grapple” (x2)
Raven’s Hex (1/Day) change first and second sentences as follows
The fetch hexes a target she can see within 90 feet, which lasts up to 1 hour or as long as the fetch concentrates on it (as if concentrating on a spell). For the duration, the fetch deals an extra 3 (1d6) necrotic damage to the target when she hits it with an attack.
Page 230, Column 2, Last Raven Rooker
Armor Class change “mage armor” to “Abjured”
Change HP to 36 (8d8; bloodied 18)
Add Abjured. The rooker’s Armor Class increases by 3 while she is conscious (included above).
Curse of the Mage’s Shadow 2nd sentence change “that she has cast hex on” to “that she has hexed”
Raven’s Hex (1/Day) change first and second sentence as follows
The rooker hexes a target she can see within 90 feet, which lasts up to 1 hour or as long as the rooker concentrates on it (as if concentrating on a spell). For the duration, the rooker deals an extra 3 (1d6) necrotic damage to the target when she hits it with an attack.
Page 231, Column 1, Police Officer
Change HP to 11 (2d8+2; bloodied 5)
Page 231, Column 1, Police Squad
Change HP to 49 (9d8+9; bloodied 24)
Change passive Perception to 10
Page 231, Column 2, Military troop
Change HP to 126 (23d8+23; bloodied 63)
Change passive Perception to 10
Page 232, Column 1, Rangale
Change HP to 119 (14d10+42; bloodied 59)
Change Skills to Insight +5 (+1d6), Intimidation +4, Nature +4, Perception +5, Persuasion +4, Survival +5 (+1d6)
Replace Innate Magic: Innate Spellcasting. The rangale’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: At will: clairvoyance, detect magic, detect thoughts, message, telekinesis
Page 233, Column 1, The Dread Borenbog
Change HP to 264 (23d8+161; bloodied 132)
Change Skills to Intimidation +2 (+1d8), Survival +4 (+1d8)
Page 233, Column 2 (The Dread Borenbog)
5th sentence change “taking damage equal to its level or challenge at the end of each of its turns.” to “taking ongoing damage equal to its level or challenge rating.”
Page 234, Column 1, Serpent-Maned Lion
Change HP to 60 (8d10+16; bloodied 30)
Change Skills to Athletics +4, Perception +3 (+1d4), Stealth +4 (+1d4)
Change passive Perception to 20
Crepusculous and Adumbral 4th sentence change “While the lion has 30 or fewer HP,” to “While the lion is bloodied,”
Page 234, Column 2, Shadowlisk
Change HP to 92 (8d10+48; bloodied 46)
Change Skills to Athletics +9, Perception +5 (+1d8), Stealth +9 (+1d8)
Crepusculous and Adumbral 4th sentence change “While the shadowlisk has 30 or fewer HP,” to “While the lion is bloodied,”
Beak last sentence change to “The basilisk then Shoves the target, trying to knock it prone.”
Page 235, Column 2, Ten-Headed Lion
Change HP to 125 (11d10+66; bloodied 62)
Change Skills to Athletics +10, Deception +3 (+1d8), Perception +6 (+1d8), Stealth +10 (+1d8)
Saving Throws change to DEX +10, CON +11, INT +2, WIS +6
Change passive Perception to 20
Page 236, Column 1 (Ten-Headed Lion)
Claw change “grabbed” to “grappled”, also “Strength saving throw (DC 19)” to “DC 19 Strength saving throw”
Roiling Flame, first paragraph, last sentence add “ or starts its turn there.”
2nd paragraph same
Last paragraph change “this power recharges.” to “Roiling Flame recharges.”
1 Healing Tongue change “HP.” to “hit points.”
2 Entangling Exhalation last sentence change “entangled” to “restrained”
4 Petrifying Gaze change to 4 Petrifying Stare (Gaze)
Page 237, Column 1, Notturna
Change Challenge to 0
Change XP to 10 XP
Change HP to 2 (1d4; bloodied 1)
Page 238, Column 1, Witchoil Automaton
Change Armor Class to AC 17 (natural armor)
Change HP to 134 (18d10+36; bloodied 67)
Witchoil Breach 3rd sentence change “When the automaton is first reduced to 30 HP or fewer,” to “When the automaton is first bloodied,”
Page 239, Column 1, Flayed Jaguar
Change HP to 60 (8d8+24; bloodied 30)
Change Skills to Athletics +4, Perception +3 (+1d4), Stealth +4 (+1d4)
Cursed Blood change “HP” to “hit points” x2
Page 239, Column 2 (Flayed Jaguar)
Change last sentence to “Afterwards the jaguar is loyal to that creature for a week.”
Page 240, Column 1, Shadow Hound Killer
Change HP to 75 (10d8+30; bloodied 37)
Change Skills to Stealth +8 (also unbold after Skills)
Hide in Shadows change to: Magical darkness surrounds the killer in a 15-foot radius (as the spell), then it becomes invisible until it attacks, enters a brightly lit area, or takes radiant damage.
Page 243, Column 1, Malice Rager, 2nd paragraph, last sentence
Change HP to 88 (12d10+24; bloodied 44)
Page 243, Column 2, Malice Beast Traits, 2nd bullet point
Change “and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn.” to “and is confused.”
Delete 2nd paragraph
Page 244, Columns 1–2, Screaming Malice
Change HP to 125 (10d12+60; bloodied 62)
Change Skills to Athletics +9, Perception +5 (+1d8), Stealth +9 (+1d8)
Magic Weapons and Magic Resistance change “creature” to “screaming malice”
Also change 2nd sentence to “After another creature rolls a critical success, the screaming malice can Predatory Pentad and try to bite it.”
Page 245, Column 1, Malice Spawn
Change HP to 10 (1d8+6; bloodied 5)
Change Skills to Athletics +9, Perception +5 (+1d8), Stealth +9 (+1d8)
Page 264, Column 1, Influence Rating, 1st paragraph, last sentence
Add “Unless the Narrator deems otherwise, a character’s Prestige has no direct impact on Influence.”
Page 264, Column 2, Example Campaign Groups
Change to present tense (“the party can track its influence” “the identity of which is secret at the start” (x2), “groups have a good likelihood of remaining unfriendly to the party throughout the campaign, but constables have the option to”
Page 271, Column 1, 4th paragraph
Change “level of exhaustion” to “level of fatigue or strife”
Errata to follow
Issue #0
Artificer, Table: Artificer
The class table should have Advanced Tactical Chemistry at Level 9 w and Reliable Spell Inventions at Level 11.
Artificer, Multiclassing Proficiencies
“Engineer” should be “Engineering”.
Artificer, Artificial Spellcasting
This should read: “With ingenuity and knowhow, artificers are able to harness magic through technology. See Chapter 11: Spellcasting in the Adventurer’s Guide for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of this class entry for the Artificer spell list.”
Issue #9
Page 7, Adult Pode
The sentence “At 5th level you may, if you choose, undergo a growth spurt and swap all the traits in this gift for those of Adult Pode.” should read “At 5th level you may, if you choose, undergo a growth spurt and swap all the traits in this gift for those of Mature Pode.”
Issue #14
Page 6, Abstraction
At Higher Levels should read: "At Higher Levels. You can choose one additional target for each slot level above 2nd."
Page 14, Android, Integrated Weaponry
Add “The integrated weapon has a range of 30/100.”
Page 28, Keridani, Stronger Poison
Add “The target may make a saving throw at the end of each turn to end the condition.”
Page 266, Blast Door
This should be 0th tier.
Page 268, Caltrop Mine Variant: Minefield
This should be 1st tier.
Page 270, Security Camera
This should be 0th tier.