New Stat Block Features in Monstrous Menagerie II
In MoMe2, we’ve added some simple quality-of-life improvements to the monster stat blocks!
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes Coming Soon!
New monsters for your 5th Edition 2014, 2024, & Level Up A5E games plus new horde monsters and heroic monsters which level up with you!
Level Up Gateway September Dev Update
Our main objective this past month has been implementing spell features for spellcasting classes.
Level Up Gateway August Dev Update
As development continues on Level Up Gateway we want to keep the community up to date with the progress with regular dev updates.
Building A Character On Level Up Gateway
With development on Level Up Gateway well under development, here’s a short ‘walkthrough’ as we make a new character.
Astral Whales & Exterminators!
The Voidrunner’s Codex contains a bestiary of alien monsters, robots, and foes for your characters to battle. Let’s look at a couple of them!
Voidrunner Character Origins
Here’s a look at the new origins available in the Voidrunner’s Codex!
Invert the polaron frequency! Reconfigure the shield harmonics! Recollimate the reciprocating interface array!
Starship Types & Deck Plans
Starships come in a wide variety of types and sizes, from mighty carriers to gleaming yachts.
New Combat Traditions for Voidrunners
The Voidrunner’s Codex introduces three new combat traditions specially designed for futuristic, psionic, and starfighter combat!
Let’s Peer Inside the Star Captain’s Manual!
The Star Captain’s Manual delves into starships, space travel, and starship combat.
Introducing the Voidrunner’s Codex!
A glimpse at the introduction chapter of the Voidrunner’s Codex.
Planestrider: Monsters, Monsters, Monsters!
The Planestrider’s Journal contains dozens of new monsters and NPCs!
Meet Captain Surrem Cobalt
Captain Cobalt, of the Pirate’s Pride, is our iconic planestrider.
What's Captain Cobalt's Codicil?
The Planestrider's Journal is accompanied by a 50-page softcover book of additional material.
Planestrider’s Journal Table of Contents
We’re just a week out now from the Planestrider Kickstarter. Here’s a look at the book’s table of contents!