Read The Core Rulebook Introduction
With the Kickstarter only 4 days away, it’s time to take a look at the Core Rulebook’s 6-page introduction chapter.
Memories of Holdenshire: A Starter Adventure
Memories of Holdenshire is a 100-page starter adventure which takes you from level 1-3, gently introducing you to some of the new Level Up concepts as you go.
Over 500 Magic Items!
With all the old favorites you know and love, plus over 200 new items, Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is absolutely crammed with magic items.
Build A Stronghold
One of Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition’s new features is the availability of simple-to-use stronghold rules. A stronghold is — at its core — a special feat which you can buy with gold.
Meet the Dragonborn
We’ve already taken a look at the planetouched tieflings and aasimar, but now it’s time to peek at the mighty dragonborn! The dragonborn evolved somewhat during the playtest process, and we’re excited about the final result.
Meet Some Monsters!
The Monstrous Menagerie is a book we’re very proud of, and we can’t wait until folks are using our new monster math, encounter tools, and revised monsters with our in-depth treatment! Here’s a quick look at a few of them from this 500+ page tome!
Exploration Trailer
A quick teaser of the new exploration pillar in Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition.
Crossing the Titan’s Garden
The exploration pillar is a large part of Level Up; Advanced 5th Edition. One aspect of this third of the game are our new journey rules. In this article, we’re going to walk you through a journey.
Level Up: Feature List
Below is a list of just some of the many innovations and new features to be found in Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition.
Encounter Building Preview
Along with new monster math and CR values, we have a robust encounter building system (in which you can combine both monsters and exploration challenges).
Monster Tools
As you may know by now, we’ve done a lot of work with monsters in Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition.
Magic Item Price List
Hey folks! We need your help! Our magic items chapter contains over 500 items, and each one of those items has a gold piece price.
Magical Items & Wondrous Artifacts
5th Edition has quite the array of magical items for adventurers to discover and use. And of course, Level Up: Advanced 5E has, too!
Tieflings & Aasimar: Meet The Planetouched!
Over on our Facebook group we took a poll to see which heritage you’d like us to preview. The planetouched won by miles, so here it is!
Level Up: Art Previews #3
Work is continuing apace on the Level Up book, with the core rulebook 80% written now and in the editing stage. In the meantime, let’s take a look at some more of the art!
Level Up: Art Previews #2
This week we’re going to take a look at some more art from the Level Up books! Today we’ll focus on monsters.
Let’s Look At The Level Up Character Sheet
A character sheet is your portal into the game world. As a player, it’s your primary interface, and it’s important that a character sheet be clear and useful. Here’s a look at what Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition’s character sheet looks like.
Let’s Look At Combat Maneuvers
Our combat maneuvers are a buffet of over 150 bite-sized options, not unlike spells.
Monster Preview: Green Dragon
If you follow us on Twitter you may have seen the Bugbear preview we shared a few days ago. Below, there’s a bigger monster. A green dragon.