What’s the Companions Compendium?

Coming to Kickstarter in the summer, the Companions Compendium, by Paul Hughes, is a comprehensive guide to heroic companions. Heroic companions were first introduced in Monstrous Menagerie II, and are greatly expanded in this hardcover book with new companions, new heroic features, player options, and more!

Chapter 1: Companions and Allies

This chapter introduces the various types of companion, how to use them, how to lose them, and how they gain heroic levels.

Chapter 2: Character Options

With new backgrounds like Beast Friend, feats like Bonded Companion, Expert Rider, and Ringleader, as well as a new combat tradition and character archetypes, there’s plenty of new options for players.

Chapter 3: Pet Options

A catalog of pet tricks and heroic features allow you to customize your companion. Pets can scout, track, herd, guard, and more. And heroic features like blindsight, fast movement, innate spellcasting, and tough hide, can be chosen as a companion levels up.

Chapter 4: Equipment and Magic Items

If you have a pet or heroic companion, you’ll need new gear! From various bardings and saddles, to carts, sleighs and sleds, there’s a wide array of non-magical equipment. But, of course, there’s also a slew of new magical items— the collar of disguise, saddle of recall, awakening gem, and much more!

Chapter 5: Companions

And naturally we also present tons of new companions! From animals like bears, dogs, beetles, lizards, raptors, sharks, and spiders to monsters like flumphs, pseudodragons, spirits, and owlbears, and allies including adepts, wizards, knights, goblin rogues, and kobold sorcerers, the variety is endless!*

* For certain values of ‘endless’ up to and including ‘not actually endless’.


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