Level Up Gateway March Dev Update
This month on Level Up Gateway, the official A5E online character builder, the Berserker, Herald, Marshal, and Ranger are bumped up to support level 10.
On levels 6 - 10 the Berserker gains features that make them even more intimidating both in and out of combat. The 6th Level Martial Presence feature lets you pick between options that let you use your constitution for ability checks and use your imposing or inspiring nature to affect those you interact with. The Berserker also gets more features that improve their rage, and as with earlier levels we’ve ensured that features only active while you are raging update the sheet while rage is active. The Tempest archetype for example grant’s Whirling Winds at 6th level granting +2 to AC and DEX saving throws.
The Herald gains improvements to their Aura and Smite and ways their devotion affects social interactions on the way to level 10. With the Herald’s aura we’ve placed aura effects that need reminders in the list of notes under saving throws to make it easier to remember and quickly reference features, especially ones that change or affect your nearby allies.
Level 10 Marshals get features that use their renown to their advantage as well as more and more methods to uplift their allies in battle. Possibly the most exciting is Expanded Directives, it **improves on the earlier feature Combat Directives which lets the Herald have an ally use a maneuver from the Sanguine Knot tradition as part of their attack. At level 10 the Herald can pick any tradition they like to do the same allowing for very dynamic combat.
The Ranger at levels 6 - 10 gains features that relate to their outdoorsmanship and deadliness. One interesting feature they gain in this range is part of Explorer’s Instinct which allows Rangers, once between long rests to take two reactions in a round instead of one, a small but interesting feature that’s sure to result in some perfect combinations. Another is their 6th level Game Hunting feature which gives proficiency with nets and allows their use up close without penalty, lets you grapple creatures with a rope as a lasso and lets you use a rope or a net as a bonus action when attacking with a dual-wielding weapon which makes the Ranger play like no other class.
What’s Next
Only three classes remain at level 5 so we can expect the Sorcerer, Bard and Druid to reach level 10 over the course of next month! After that we will be shifting focus for a bit to features and improvements to the platform to make adding more content easier and ensure performance doesn’t take a hit as we add more and more content.