Upcoming Level Up Releases
Throughout this year we have some exciting new Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition content planned! Here’s a quick look at what’s coming!
Gate Pass Gazette Magazine
Our official magazine, Gate Pass Gazette, continues to bring you content every month. The next issue, in April, contains cultures and backgrounds for a desert environment, the all-new Whirling Dancer combat tradition, rules for minor magics for martial characters, and details of four forest-themed festivals. You can subscribe to the Gate Pass Gazette over on Patreon!
Alpha Star Magazine
Alpha Star is a brand new magazine launching this year! Designed to support the Voidrunner’s Codex, it is to sci-fi what Gate Pass Gazette is to fanatasy. This one will be a quarterly magazine, with each issue being crowdfunded on Backerkit. If you want to be notified about the first issue, click here!
Level Up Ultimate Card Set
We've recently sold out of our Combat Maneuver Cards - but fear not, we have plans to print more!
We're going all-in on card decks for maneuvers, spells, magic items, and more. Even better, these will all come in a fancy collector case. Click here to be notified when we launch!
Companions Compendium
This book, by Paul Hughes of Monstrous Menagerie fame, expands on the heroic monsters in Monstrous Menagierie II to bring a full hardcover book of pets and companions, along with player options to support them.
And more!
We have a few more announcements to make throughout the year.
You can keep updated by watching our monthly live stream videos, following us on social media (Facebook, BlueSky), joining our forums or Discord, and of course reading this blog!