Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E)

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New Stat Block Features in Monstrous Menagerie II

We’ve made a couple of quality-of-life upgrades to the stat blocks in this book.

False Rumors. The Legends & Lore section of each monster entry now includes a false rumor which is handed out on a roll of 5 or less.

Initiative. In Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition, the Narrator can call for any skill check or ability check as an initiative roll. We’ve listed three common ones–Dexterity, Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Insight), and provided average values for each to reduce die rolls.

Saving Throws. The Saving Throw entry on each stat block now shows all six saving throws, not just the ones benefiting from a proficiency bonus.

On this page you can see the addition of False Rumors to the Legends and Lore table.